Call History Missing from Portal/Softphone

Call history in softphone is lost when the user profile isn't synchronizing with the data base anymore. 

To have the issue resolved the following needs to be completed:

1- Have the user (that is having issue with call history) logout of all system that applies (softphone,call center, receptionist console)
2- Have an admin reset the user login password on
3- Once the user receive the new password, have the user complete the following:

A) user to login to (with is email he use to login on softphone & the new password receive)
B) then will be prompt to change password to a new one, (he can use a new one or his old one)
C) once fully logged in to, then the user can now login to all other system that applies (softphone,call center, receptionist console) with the new password (or old one depending what was chosen by the user)

This will then restore the call history for the user. If the data base de-synchronize again, the above steps will need to be repeated.