How do I change my login password?

Consider making your password more memorable while ensuring it remains complex enough to prevent easy guessing.

  1. Access your uControl account by logging in.
  2. Navigate to the "Management" tab and select "Users".
  3. Type in the username (often the account number) into the search field or locate the user you are looking for by scrolling down.
  4. Select the "edit" option next to the user for whom you wish to update the password.
  5. The new password must meet the following criteria:

    - Be a minimum of 8 characters long.

    - Include at least 1 uppercase letter.

    - Include at least 1 lowercase letter.

    - Include at least 1 digit (0-9) without having more than 3 digits consecutively.

    - Avoid using a substring of your account number (e.g., 2000xxxx).

  6. Confirm the new password.
  7. Press the "Save" button to confirm the changes.

Navigate back to the main screen by clicking on "Management" and then selecting "Dashboard".

We hope this info was a help. If you have any problems or questions, please let us know.
You can open a support ticket or contact us at 1-888-501-8430 for additional assistance.